Terms and Conditions

Term and conditions & Privacy Policy

Personal Travel Insurance

We do not include any kind of travel Insurance. We recommend that you take out Personal Insurance for your travel with Dewi Tours, as soon as your booking is confirmed. We kindly request you to send us the Information related to your insurance contract and to bring it along with you during the journey.


Following payments of the initial deposit, the remaining balance of all trip costs must be paid to Dewi Tours at least 30 days prior to departure. If full payment is not received at least 30 days prior to the trip start, Dewi Tours has the right for treating the booking as a cancellation and proceed to cancel any pending services.

If the booking is made 30 days or less from the trip start date, the full cost of the trip is required at the time of the booking in order to secure the request services.

Payment will be done by bank tarnsfer or credit card.

Exemption of Responsability

All Clients should assess their physical fitness prior to booking a trip to ensure that they meet the requirements for the activities that they will complete during their trip. If additional Informationen about fitness requirements for specific activities is required for an accurate Evaluation, it is the responsibility of the Clients to request this information from Dewi Tours. Clients with existing medical conditiond or health problems should consult with their doctor about their ability to complete the schedule activities. Any travellers under age 18 must be accompanied by a parent, or relative or another adult who will act as a guardian during the trip and who will be fully responsible for the minor.

Dewi Tours acts in the capacity of an agent with regards to legal conditions and when every reasonable precaution is applied, cannot be held responsible for any injury, illnes, damage, loss, Additional expenses, delays, or any other irregularity that may be caused by companies or individuals who provide transportation, accommodation, or any other services related to the completion of the trip.

Client Complaints

If the Clients has a complaint about any of thr trip activities or other Arrangements,  the Clients must bring it to the attention of Dewi Tours in a maximum of 48 hours. From the moment of the complaint you have maximum 48 hours to communicate Dewi Tours. After 48 hours we do not accept complaints.

Privacy Policy

Dewi Tours respect your privacy. We have created this privacy statement in order to demonstrade our commitment to you as our Clients and visitor.

We will never give any information about you to others.

Personal data

Our site uses form in which you give us contact and personal Information, so you can enquire about book travel and services, or request Information and support. We use the customer Information only when it will be important for us to contact you regarding your enquiries and bookings, our website,  and special offers we think you will find valuable.

In addition to information provide through form on this website, we may also solicit further Information to create your travel products and to facilitate travel to and form our destinations.


Our site uses cookies to gather information on online traffic. We use this information from our site statistics to help diagnose problems with our serve, and to administer our site. We also gather broad demographic information from this data to help us improve our site and make browsing experience more convenient. This is not linked to any personally identifiable information.


This site has security measures in place to protect teh loss, missuse and alteration of the information under our control. This site also contains links to other sites. Dewi Tours is not responsible for the privacy practise or the content of such websites.

Changing your communication preferences

As a customer of Dewi Tours, you may alter your customer information of receiving communications from us at any time by contacting us per Email and Call or Whatsapp.

Only if we have to

As stated previously in this policy, we will never give out your information. The only exceptions to this are when we are required by law, in the good faith we belief that such action is necessary in order to conform to the edicts of the law, or we must comply with a legal process served on our website.

Changes in our practise

If we change our information handling practise or other privacy aspects, we will post those changes on this privacy statement,  at least 30 days prior to their implementation.


By consenting to this privacy notice you are giving us permission to process your personal data specifically for the purpose identified. Consent is required for Dewi Tours to process Personal data, but it must be explicitly given. Where we are asking you for sensitive personal data we will always tell you why and how the informations will be used. You may withdraw consent at any time by contacting us and requesting that we remove your consent. After checking on any inadvertent impact of consent withdrawal on existing or future travel planning services, we will act on your request immediately.

Contacting the website managers

If you have any quetions about our privacy statement, the practise of this siste, or your dealings with this website, you can contacts us.

The Clients agrees to accept the authority and decisions of all Dewi Tours staff, guides, crews, and tour leader during the trip. If it is determined that the behavior or health of the Clients either before or during the trip may be an endangerment to themselves or other or result in seere discomfort for otherb travelers, the Clients may be excluded from all or part of the tour.